What is a Wind Mitigation Inspection?

A wind mitigation inspection determines what key features and add-ons that your home has that would reduce the amount of damage your house may suffer in the event of a hurricane or strong windstorm.

What will your home inspector look for?

During the inspection, if you opt to include wind mitigation, your inspector will determine the age of the home in order to determine the building code that was in place at the time of construction. The age of the roof and proof that it was installed to certain building code standards is also looked at. The roof deck attachment, roof to wall connection, roof shape, existence of a SWR (roof underlayment) and the opening protection of the doors and windows are all thoroughly checked.

We work with highly respected, accurate and competent companies, if you would like names for reliable inspectors or home owner insurance company, you can email us at kim@lavishlistingsnaples.com.